Archive for April 4th, 2008


road rage!

Friday, 4 April, 2008

So today, an SUV that was in the lane on my right made an illegal left turn in front of me as I was turning left, which nearly caused a collision. So I leaned on the car horn and let out a good loud five second screech from my car horn. The SUV driver, who had just made an illegal left turn, then gave me the finger! It was really tempting to go after that guy, but at the same time, it would have been a stupid thing to do. I used to tell my junior high Sunday school students that sometimes it takes the bigger man to walk away. As true as that is, it’s not always an easy thing to do. When someone wrongs you, how are we to respond? Using Christ as an example, he was beaten, tortured, nailed to a cross bloodied, beaten, insulted… and yet he did not retaliate.

This begs the question: are Christians obliged to just be “doormats” and allow themselves to be walked on by their enemies? Well, two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, there are times when evil needs to be defeated by assertiveness of the moral good, such as when Nazi Germany was murdering countless innocent Jews – war on the persecutors is easily justified. However, in manners of everyday trivial occurrences like road rage, why waste your time?

While we’re on the subject of road rage, check this out.

The story goes that this guy tossed food out his car window and the bike messenger, pissed at the littering, chucked it back in. The driver decided it was his right to get out and beat the crap out of the messenger… a woman…

More photos of the incident here.